Lux Nuuksio is back this year, bringing joy, light and colour into the national park!

When nature has calmed down for winter, its beauty manifests itself shades of brown and green, as well as the shimmering white of snow. Since the ancient times, fire has brought warmth to this cool darkness, helping our ancestors live through the dark season. Fire reminds us of the warmth and power of the sun even when it is not visible.
The attractiveness of Lux Nuuksio is based on our primal fascination with fire, which can be experienced in a safe and enchanting way by creating ice lanterns and lighting a fire inside of them. This winter, the entrepreneurs, associations and inhabitants of the Nuuksio lake highlands will again unite to create a stunning and memorable period of light for both locals and guests to enjoy, starting from Friday 26 January and ending on Sunday 2 February.
Everyone in the area is invited to take part!

An idea to spread joy and happiness
Ensimmäinen Nuuksion jäälyhtytapahtuma syntyi Hawkhillin mökkikylässä vuonna 2021, kun siellä päätettiin järjestää LUXHAWKHILL-nimellä kulkenut jäälyhtytapahtuma. Jäälyhdyt ihastuttivat Hawkhillin vieraita samoin kuin paikallisia, ja hyvän palautteen rohkaisemana lähdimme seuraavana vuonna viemään eteenpäin vastaavanlaista tapahtumaa, mutta koko Nuuksion järviylängön alueelle.
The first Nuuksio ice lantern event was created in the cottage village of Hawkhill in 2021, back then going by the name of LUXHAWKHILL. Both the guests of Hawkhill and the locals were delighted by the lanterns, encouraging us to create a similar event next year, except that time for the entire Nuuksio lake highland.
The idea was a success. In 2022, 18 organisers from all over the lake highlands joined us, and together we lit an impressive 903 ice lanterns. In 2023, 22 events were organised and more than 600 ice/snow lanterns were lit. The aim of Lux Nuuksio is to bring joy and happiness, while also reminding us all of the value of the four seasons and the importance of preserving them.
Perhaps we will see over a thousand lanterns this year?
In any case, the end of January is a great time to visit the Nuuksio lake highlands – come over to admire the mesmerising combination of ice lanterns and the Finnish mid-winter nature!
LuxNuuksio’s events can be found here
If you want to participate in organising your own LuxNuuksio event, please contact Annu Huotari who coordinates the event: